Human-Cat Interactions Abyssinian behaviors are being decoded. What if we could understand a cat’s mind? The Johnny Times explores the mysteries of cat behaviors that have amused and enriched human lives since ancient times. Through the journey with Johnny, our Abyssinian cat, we translate his ways of experiencing the world by our own narrative style. You can peek into the kingdom of Johnny and a little bit of the inside […]
iCub Project 2013 : Interview with iCub researchers
In 2013, I visited and stayed at iCub Facility, Italian Institute of Technology, Genova. This is a video documenting their work. This research visit was funded by JSPS Strategic Young Researcher Overseas Visits Program for Accelerating Brain Circulation.
Veni Vidi Vici ’13 : The iCub Summer School
The iCub Summer School, “Veni Vidi Vici”, serves to consolidate and disseminate skills in software engineering for humanoid robots. The goal is to foster collaboration on robot software across the boundaries and lifetimes of specific platforms and projects.
Far Beyond the Computers 2012 – Departures!
AZOTH ✕ WASEDA T-shirt animation collaborated by 195 students and faculty at Waseda University, Tokyo. May 12, 2012 早稲田大学情報理工学科 オリエンテーション2012 Orientation 2012, Department of Computer Science, Waseda University 情報理工学科の新入生と教員195人で協創する,Tシャツアニメーション.色とりどりの個性を発揮した結果実現される,ひとつの世界.ワイヤフレームアニメーションがプリントされたTシャツに,シルクスクリーンで各々プリントを施しました. Credit Director: Yoichi Matsuyama Music: Akihiro Hayashi (“DEPARTURES”) Camera Crew: Shigekazu Daigo T-Shirt Production: Michio Asano (AZOTH) Produce: Department of Computer Science, Waseda University ( Special Thanks: AZOTH Co.,LTD. (
Far Beyond the Computers 2011 – Ambitious!
早稲田大学情報理工学科 オリエンテーション2011 Orientation 2011, Department of Computer Science, Waseda University Credit Director: Yoichi Matsuyama Music: Akihiro Hayashi (“AMBITOUS”) Produce: Department of Computer Science, Waseda University (